Course curriculum

  • 1

    SEO for PR professionals

    • Introduction

    • What is PR SEO?

    • Why does SEO for PR matter?

    • Why do SEO for PR?

    • Recap

    • Quiz

  • 2

    How PR can help drive organic growth

    • Introduction

    • Where PR & SEO professionals usually disagree

    • Ranking & prioritizing content for promotion

    • Best ways to promote content

    • Reciprocal value of paid and organic search

    • Metrics to measure success

    • Recap

    • Quiz

  • 3

    How to use nofollow and follow links

    • Introduction

    • What are backlinks and why are they important?

    • Follow vs NoFollow

    • UGC or Sponsored Content Nofollow Tags

    • Recap

    • Quiz